Emergencies and Public Safety Management System
Integrated Solutions for NG 911 & 112 Centers
SiCom™ Suite represents a step change for the PSAP’s ability to manage disasters, save lives and protect communities, around the clock and around the world.
Based on a “multi agency” and “multi jurisdiction” concept, SiCom™ Suite enables any NG 911/112 Center to make swift and effective decisions, based on comprehensive, accurate and real-time information.
This way, SiCom™ Suite is able to provide any Emergency Management Organization with all the features and capabilities needed to manage every size and type of crisis at the tactical, command and strategic levels
- SiCom™ Suite supports all communications standards: PMR Radio (HF / VHF / UHF), Trunking, DMR, P-25, TETRA, TETRAPOL, PSTN telephony, PABX, ISDN, GSM, LTE, SIP, and others.
- The system respond to the latest NG-112 European technological standards (EENA Standards) such as E-Call, Emergency Apps, handicapped access or integration with social networks.
- Based on a distributed and open architecture, SiCom™ Suite is easy to adapt and escalate following the Emergency Center own protocols and requisites.
- SiCom™ Suite is based on 5 different modules that fits together delivering a customized and fully integrated solution, regardless of number of agencies, jurisdiction, communications or geographical coverage.